How to Add Twitter Widget to Blogger Blog or Website

Twitter is most popular and second social media all over the world. It is most important for a website or blog owner cause a twitter account can enrich  your website to others people. It’s a platform wherein user share their conception, thoughts, information, news or jokes in 140 characters of text or less. Twitter makes global communication cheap and measurable to each others. By your public twitter profile anyone in the world can see what you right and what you share unless you select to make your profile privet. Twitter also provide follow button, re-tweet , favorite you can use those for your communication buildup. One of the most common question for us we are asked How to add a Twitter Widget to a Blogger Slidebar. Now i showing you how to do it.

Create Your Twitter Widget

1. Log into your Twitter account on .
2. Now Go to your Twitter Settings Page.
Add twitter widget

3. Click On Widget from bellow the Account menu.
Add twitter widget



4. Now Click on Create New option from Right side.
Add twitter widget

5. Choose Which type of Widget you want to Create for your website or blog.
Add twitter widget

6. Add your Username and customize as your mind. You can change also the Height, Theme and Link Color.Then Click on Create Widget.
Add twitter widget

7. Now Copy the Embed Code.

Add twitter widget


Add Twitter Widget to Blogger blog

1. Log Into your blog.
2. Go to Layout > Add a Gadget.
3. From the Pop up window you must select HTML/JavaScript.
4. Paste The code Into the HTML box.
5. Now Click On Save Button.
Now you are done and enjoy it. Hopefully you can Add twitter widget to your Blogger Blog or Website successfully. Actually You can Adding Twitter widget in your blog or website you can update all time in Twitter and visitors can join with you in Twitter . Using this prosses you can gather more visitors, more follower and more popularity from Twitter.

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