How To Enable HTTPS In Blogger Blog And Custom Domain (Updated)

For free https certificate in blogger, you just follow this post step by step.

HTTP to HTTPS opportunity is a big gift from Google for blogger user. It has become a web standard contemplation that every webmaster should follow as like google. 

HTTPS is the greatest and strong security for your website or blog. It’s maintaining the data transfer between user and website. No third party can intro both of them for spam or hacking.
Free SLL Certificate

Read Also:
1. How to Add an HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger Blog
2.How to Create Error 404 Not Found Page In Blogger

I won’t secure your site manually but in this post, I give you an easy and trusted overview of how HTTP is obligated for the security of user like you and me as a blogger. Also, I will be showing how to enable HTTPS in your BlogSpot blog.


Most of newbie blogger don’t know what is SSL certificate. Http(s) secure is called SSL certificate. Elaboration is:

HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) S (secure)

When we open a website or submit a form online using the HTTP protocol,  then data transferred in plain text.  Hacker easily can hack this by using sniffer tools. 

Also, they are enabled for the scan your username and password. On the other site when you use HTTPS for your website. The transmitted data and information is secured.

That’s why all e-commerce and professionals business persons use HTTPS from the first day when the launch of their website on the web. 

From the bellow image, you observed the difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol.

enable https in blogger blog, free ssl certificate
Just for the first idea about the HTTPS protocol you see the image and try to understand that, which I want to instruct you by his image. 

Google always a powerful search engine and Google products are always the best. Blogspot blogger blog is one of them. Every professional blogger launched a blog at first Blogspot blog which I know from them even me. 

Google gives a lot of resource for their user, as like Gmail, Blogger, Google Drive, Google search, and others. 

Google has almost 1500 plus products for easier our daily technology life. From HTTP to HTTPS freely possess one of them.

How To Enable HTTPS In Your Free Blogspot Blog  

This feature is enabled for Google BlogSpot blog use. But not use free for a custom domain, for using a custom domain you have to pay for this. If you have a .blogspot address then you forward these steps below for adding HTTPS with free.

  • Login Your Blogger Dashboard
  • Scrolling mouse pointer and click on the Settings>>
  • Basic >> then enable HTTPS from the right side like below image.
  • And you are done.
    setting a custom domain will disable https, blogger ssl certificate, blogger https, disable https chrome, create a blogspot

    After enabling HTTPS you look at your slug or web address bar. You just noticed that it will change with HTTP to HTTPS like below.
    setting a custom domain will disable https, blogger ssl certificate, blogger https, disable https chrome, create a blogspot
    I will update if Google gives the chance for the custom domain. For now, it is clear for you right. Don’t make late for enabling your HTTPS option if you are a BlogSpot Blogger. Have any question or share your opinions via the comment section. Happy blogging everyone.

    This is Second Updated:

    I promised that if Google gives a change to enable https blogger custom domain. Then I will update this post for all of you newbie blogger! So, now the time is present.

    Google SSL Certificate is free for all blogger custom domain user! It’s may unbelievable to you, lol. But it’s right now. In this second part, I will show you how to enable https in blogger custom domain.

    Enable HTTPS In Blogger Custom Domain

    First, as well as you have to log in your blogger account and go to settings. Then follow the screenshot. 

    Enable HTTPS In Blogger Custom Domain, Free SLL Certificate

    Now click on Basic and click HTTPS Availability option for the turn to yes.

    Secondly, reload the webpage you noticed that your first option is done. Now the part is 2nd step HTTPS Redirect. This part takes time to visible after finished first.

    Enable HTTPS In Blogger Custom Domain

    So, wait a couple of minutes or longer. Then reload your browser tab again you can follow this is visible now and turn into Yes form No.

    Enable HTTPS In Blogger Custom Domain

    Now reload your browser again and click view blog. You are done and you look your custom domain is visible with HTTPS in the browser! If it takes time don’t worry. After five or ten minutes it will automatically redirect. 

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